This republished story highlights the tragic case of Liam Deane, a father who was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of his 2-day-old daughter, Luna. Deane had admitted to fatally punching and shaking the infant because she would not stop crying. Luna suffered brain injuries and died three days later.
Deane’s life sentence was followed by his death in prison just a month after his conviction. His death was allegedly caused by fellow inmate John Westland, who was charged in connection with the incident. Following the discovery of Deane’s body, Westland appeared in court.
The case stirred strong reactions from the public, with many expressing that Deane got what he deserved. Several comments on social media supported the idea that prisoners, particularly those convicted of harming children, face harsh treatment from fellow inmates. While some expressed that they didn’t condone murder, there was widespread agreement that the justice system had failed Luna and that Deane’s punishment was insufficient compared to the crime he committed.
The story reflects public sentiment about child abuse and the severity of crimes involving children, as well as the consequences for perpetrators in the prison system.