Nicole Kidman recently attended Omega’s “Her Time” event in Paris with her 16-year-old daughter, Sunday. The duo made a stylish appearance on the red carpet, with Nicole wearing a chic cropped top and white skirt, while Sunday sported a gray tux-vest top and matching pants. Onlookers couldn’t help but notice Sunday’s resemblance to her father, Keith Urban. Nicole shares Sunday and her younger daughter Faith with Keith, and her two older children Bella and Connor with ex-husband Tom Cruise. Nicole shared that it’s special having her children attend events as they grow older and can fully appreciate them.
Nicole expressed the heartfelt joy it brings to have her family by her side at such significant events, adding, “To be able to do this with my family around me gives it such balance… It’s very grounding.”
Nicole Kidman seems to truly cherish the opportunity to bring her children into the world she experiences, sharing these precious events. What do you think about her decision to incorporate her family into these occasions? Feel free to share your thoughts. And don’t forget to share this heartwarming update with others!