Sunny Hostin, co-host of ABC’s The View, is facing intense scrutiny after her husband, Dr. Emmanuel Hostin, was named in a lawsuit alleging professional misconduct. The lawsuit, filed on December 17, claims that Hostin, along with nearly 200 others, accepted kickbacks for performing surgeries and fraudulently billing an insurance company covering Uber and Lyft drivers. The lawsuit accuses Hostin of providing fraudulent medical services, including arthroscopic surgeries, in exchange for kickbacks.
In response, Hostin’s attorney, Daniel Thwaites, denied all allegations, calling the lawsuit meritless and claiming it was designed to intimidate doctors. Thwaites emphasized that Hostin has an “impeccable” record and criticized the insurance company, American Transit, for rushing into the lawsuit without properly investigating Hostin. He argued that the case is about the insurer abusing the legal system to limit healthcare benefits for its insureds.