“Wheel of Fortune” celebrated its 50th anniversary with a thrilling episode that had fans on the edge of their seats. Jennifer Hawkins led early, winning $19,894 and a trip to Hawaii, while Amber Holland made a dramatic comeback in the Express Round, earning $17,050 and a trip to Puerto Rico. Jason Blackwell, who was trailing, seized a last-minute opportunity during the Speed Up round, finishing with $27,000.
As the game neared its conclusion, Blackwell’s sudden surge left Hawkins and Holland behind. Hawkins earned $23,894, while Holland finished with $19,050. Blackwell’s strong finish seemed to secure his win, but the Bonus Round proved to be another challenge.
Despite his high score, Blackwell struggled with the Bonus Round puzzle. He guessed “Getting… here?” but was stumped by the actual answer, “Goofing Off.” This mistake cost him the grand prize, which could have been worth $70,000.
Viewers reacted strongly to the difficult puzzle, with many fans expressing sympathy for Blackwell’s near-miss. Overall, the anniversary episode showcased impressive performances, high scores, and intense competition, making it a memorable moment in “Wheel of Fortune” history.