The heartbroken parents of 13-year-old Esra Haynes, who tragically died after participating in the dangerous trend known as “chroming,” are warning others about its risks. Esra passed away in March 2023 after attending a sleepover in Melbourne, Australia. Her parents, Andrea and Paul, had always been aware of where she was and who she was with, so the tragic phone call requesting them to pick her up came as a shock.
Esra was rushed to the hospital in an unresponsive state and placed on life support, where she fought for her life for over a week. Unfortunately, doctors informed her parents that her brain had been damaged beyond repair, leading to the heartbreaking decision to turn off her life support. Esra’s family shared their final moments together, expressing their immense grief.
In the wake of their loss, Esra’s family is committed to raising awareness about the dangers of chroming, a trend where individuals inhale toxic chemicals for a high. They want to ensure other families don’t have to experience the same heartbreak, as they believe their daughter would never have participated in this trend on her own. The Haynes family is determined to spread the word to prevent further tragedies.
Chroming, also known as solvent abuse, is most common among teenagers and young adults. Inhaling substances like glue or solvents can cause severe side effects such as dizziness, confusion, and loss of coordination. It’s a dangerous trend that Esra’s family hopes to raise awareness about in order to protect others.