In 2013, Australian social entrepreneur Elliot Costello visited an orphanage in Cambodia and met a 10-year-old girl named Thea, who had endured two years of horrific abuse. Despite her trauma, Thea radiated positivity and bonded with Elliot, painting one of his nails during their time together. Elliot promised to keep it painted as a reminder of her suffering and the need for change.
Inspired by this encounter, Elliot founded the Polished Man movement, where men paint one nail to symbolize the one in five children who experience sexual violence. The initiative seeks to raise awareness and prevent such abuse, emphasizing that men must lead the charge to stop violence against children.
Prominent celebrities like Chris Hemsworth, Zac Efron, and Kelly Slater have joined the cause, using their platforms to amplify the message. Since its inception, Polished Man has raised $8.7 million for trauma prevention and recovery programs globally.
Elliot’s movement continues to inspire change, advocating for a safer world for children. His work reminds us of the power of small actions in addressing significant issues and creating lasting impact.