A family in Corinna, Maine is reeling from the heartbreaking loss of their 3-year-old son, who passed away on January 12, 2025. The boy was found outside in the snow near his home, and authorities suspect he succumbed to exposure. The Maine Department of Public Safety confirmed his death, though the official cause will be determined by an autopsy.
In the wake of this tragedy, the boy’s aunt, Desiree Ambrose, launched a GoFundMe to assist with funeral and medical expenses. The campaign has raised over $5,590 towards its $10,000 goal. Ambrose described the boy as a “strong, loving, caring, funny, happy little boy” and expressed the family’s immense heartbreak.
The boy’s mother, Jada Haddad, shared her grief on Facebook, saying, “Home does not feel like home anymore… I feel so empty.” The community has rallied around the family, offering donations and words of support during this incredibly difficult time.
Those who wish to contribute to the GoFundMe can offer help as the family navigates this painful journey of healing.