A school shooting is a deeply tragic event, leaving communities in grief. The recent tragedy at Antioch High School in Nashville claimed the life of 16-year-old Josselin Corea Escalante, who was fatally shot in the cafeteria on January 22, 2025. Two other students were injured, one requiring treatment for a minor graze.
Josselin’s father, German Corea, shared his heartbreak, describing his daughter as a bright student and a beloved family member. The family has called for enhanced school security, while Antioch High held a vigil to honor Josselin’s memory.
The shooter, 17-year-old Solomon Henderson, took his own life after the attack. Investigators are working to uncover potential motives, but no connection between Henderson and his victims has been found. Authorities believe the victims were struck by random gunfire.
School and city officials, including Chief John Drake and Dr. Adrienne Battle, have pledged support and resources for students and staff. Antioch High School remains closed this week, giving the community time to grieve and heal. If you or someone you know is struggling, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).