On January 20, 2025, a 6-year-old girl named Hope led police to her father Mark Gordon’s home in Calder, Scotland, where both were found dead. Hope had been staying with her father as part of shared custody with her mother. Authorities, aided by fire crews, discovered the heartbreaking scene inside the home.
Police initially withheld details but confirmed there was no evidence of foul play by others. Hope’s school mourned her, describing her as a bright, bubbly, and affectionate girl who was loved by all. Support was provided to her classmates and the community.
A few days later, police confirmed Hope’s death was being treated as murder. Mark Gordon’s cause of death remains under investigation. Authorities urged anyone with information to come forward as they continue to search for answers.
Hope’s memory lives on through the impact she had on her school and community. The investigation is ongoing as police seek closure for the grieving families.