Kevin Bacon, the 65-year-old actor known for his Golden Globe-winning role in an HBO project, once lived on just $150 a month when he first moved to New York City in 1976. Raised in Philadelphia, Bacon moved to New York with his sister and initially stayed with her before finding a shared rental office with a pianist. He spent four years in this humble living situation due to his financial struggles and inability to afford a proper apartment.
Before his breakthrough in acting, Bacon had never seen his own performances. His perspective on acting changed after meeting his wife, actress Kyra Sedgwick. Bacon was inspired by her ability to transform into completely different characters in her films. In a recent interview, he explained how watching her work made him realize that acting, to him, was about “putting on different hats” and becoming different people. This insight helped shape his own approach to acting.
Bacon met Sedgwick in 1987 on the set of the film Lemon Sky. At first, Sedgwick didn’t immediately feel the spark, but after a little pursuing, they went on their first date. They had a wonderful time, sharing a romantic dinner and laughter. As Sedgwick later said, she soon realized that Bacon was the one for her. They married and have been together for over 35 years, raising two children, Travis and Sosie, who are now in their 30s.
Bacon often speaks about his dedication to family and values the importance of honesty, integrity, and caring for others. In interviews, he has emphasized the significance of being a supportive father and teaching his children how to take care of the world. Today, Bacon enjoys a peaceful life on a farm with his wife and children, reflecting on how far he’s come from his humble beginnings.