Mills also shared an adorable image of his father. “This is my dad, Gerald. He turns 104 on 12 July,” tweeted Mills. “Any chance I can muster 104 happy birthdays from Twitter? He’ll be amazed and baffled in equal measure.” The simple birthday wish turned into an adorable thread of people sharing images and birthdays of people they loved, with a majority of them featuring aged grandparents.
The tweet was flooded with replies and the centenarian received many more than 104 birthday wishes. The tweet garnered more than 423,000 likes. Adam Hill posted a picture of his young daughter and said he hoped she would live as long as him, and wished him as well. “Happy Birthday Gerald. This is my daughter Flora who was born 12 weeks premature and has just come home to us at three months old. Hope she makes it to 104 too,” read the tweet.
Some shared images of their elderly relatives while wishing him. Joanna shared an image of her 101-year-old grandmother and wrote, “Happy birthday Gerald! My nan, Bridget, shares a birthday with your dad and she’ll be 101 this year! Hats off and many, many happy returns to these two very special centenarians and all the others on here!” Another person shared an image of their baby granddaughter and wrote, “Cheers Gerald! My birthday is also July 12th, a toast to us! My new granddaughter thinks the secret to long life is being extra cute but I think you already know that by looking at your pic!”