Amidst the devastating wildfires ravaging Los Angeles County, actor Mel Gibson tragically lost his Malibu home of 15 years. The fires, worsened by high winds, have destroyed over 10,000 structures, claimed at least 10 lives, and forced 300,000 people to evacuate.
Gibson, who was in Austin, Texas, when the fire struck, shared his emotional response, noting that while the loss of his home was devastating, he found humor in the situation, saying, “It’s just a thing… it’s all in cinders.” Upon returning, he was relieved to find his chickens survived the blaze.
Though his own home was destroyed, Gibson acknowledged the widespread damage in his neighborhood, with many of his neighbors also losing their properties. Despite the devastation, he emphasized the importance of family, expressing gratitude that his loved ones were safe.
As fire crews continue to battle the relentless flames, Gibson’s story serves as a reminder that while material possessions can be lost, the safety of loved ones remains paramount.