In a poignant moment, Days of Our Lives paid tribute to the late Bill Hayes in its latest episode, marking the end of an era for the beloved soap opera. The episode, which aired on Thursday, featured a touching scene with Hayes, who passed away six months ago at the age of 98. It was his final TV appearance, and fans were moved by the emotional tribute.
Hayes, who had been a key part of the show for many years, shared the screen one last time with his on-and-off-screen wife, Susan Seaforth Hayes. Their deep connection, both professionally and personally, added an extra layer of emotion to the farewell.
The tribute left fans reflecting on Hayes’ legacy, as his passing marked the end of an era for the long-running soap opera. For many viewers, it was an emotional goodbye to a beloved character who had been a fixture of the show for decades.
Bill Hayes’ final scene was a powerful reminder of his lasting impact on Days of Our Lives and its audience. As fans bid farewell, they also celebrated the remarkable career of an actor who had become synonymous with the show.