The devastating Los Angeles fires have claimed countless lives, with the full scope of the tragedy still uncertain. Among the victims is actress Dalyce Curry, 95, known for her role in The Blues Brothers. According to multiple outlets, Curry’s remains were discovered after the Eaton Fire ravaged her Altadena home. The coroner confirmed the discovery on January 12, just days after the fire engulfed her property.
Curry’s granddaughter, Dalyce Kelley, expressed her heartbreak on Facebook, writing, “Thank you to ABC 7 for featuring our beloved grandmother… this loss is devastating.” Kelley revealed she last saw her grandmother around midnight on January 7, the day the fast-spreading blaze began. Her tribute highlighted the profound impact Curry had on her life.
While the family has identified Curry, the Los Angeles Medical Examiner has yet to officially confirm the death. A spokesperson noted that identification is pending, with details to be updated on the department’s website following notification of the family.
This tragedy underscores the human toll of the ongoing fires, as Curry’s loss is mourned by her family and fans alike. Her legacy as an actress and a beloved grandmother will not be forgotten.