Brandi Glanville, the former Real Housewives star, sparked concern after sharing an unfiltered selfie that showed her face looking swollen and uneven. Her followers expressed worry, as Brandi explained that she had been in and out of the hospital for over a year, trying to diagnose her condition. Doctors have suggested it could be a parasite or stress-induced edema, with Brandi joking that it’s related to her time on Bravo.
Brandi’s health struggles began in 2023, with symptoms similar to anaphylactic shock, including difficulty speaking and extreme facial swelling. She was diagnosed with stress-induced angioedema, and her ongoing legal troubles have only added to the strain. In 2024, she was named in a lawsuit filed by Real Housewives of New Jersey star Caroline Manzo, accusing her of sexual assault during filming. Brandi denied the claims and has been vocal about the toll this has taken on her life.
Her accusations against Bravo’s Andy Cohen for sexual harassment have further fueled the drama, along with the financial strain from her legal battles. Brandi claimed that her health and appearance had deteriorated as a result. Despite these challenges, Brandi remains determined to fight for herself, sharing her ongoing struggles with her fans.
While Brandi continues to face both health issues and legal battles, her followers remain supportive. As she works to overcome these obstacles, her fans hope for her recovery and peace in the near future.